Skyrocketing Growth of Independent builder Floors and Plots in Gurugram NCR
1. Intro
The demand for independent builder floors and plots in Gurugram and Faridabad is increasing as the building of new residential units is rising up to 10% a year.
In Gurgaon, there are around 20,000 such flats ready to be launched in the next year.
According to an industry body, the cumulative sales of builders’ flats per annum were around Rs. 4,000 crore in 2021-22.
“The growth rate of this segment has been relatively high,” said president, Real Estate Development Association of India (REDAI).
2. The Main Reasons for the Skyrocketing Growth of Independent Floors and Plots in Gurugram NCR
A report released on 28th February 2020 by a leading real esate company, real esate websites has cited several reasons for the surge in demand for independent floors and plots in Gurugram and Faridabad. The report stated that a major reason for independent floors and plots becoming popular is the rising demand of private apartments or builder floor in Gurugram and Faridabad.
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The report mentioned that these developments are becoming increasingly popular due to the soaring number of people who want to own their own apartment.
According to the report, there has been an increase in this market over the last few years, especially since 2022 when the pandemic struck India.
The number of people who have escaped from this pandemic is also rising every year, which can only spell good things for private flats owners.
According to buildmakaan, more than 20,000 such builder floors (flats) are expected to be launched between now and 2023. However, there is a positive flip side as well: given that private flats owners aren’t burdened by having to worry about monthly payments or some other financial burden (which can easily become an added stress), they can spend more on food or travel without getting worried about it. They can also save money on rent as well as travel costs by simply being able to sell their flat after a set period of time rather than paying rent every month.

3. Key Aspects of an Independent Builder Floor or Plot
“It’s a very complex subject to find a good solution for independent floors and plots in Gurgaon, Delhi NCR and Mumbai. We have come up with some features for you to consider.”
A builder floor can be considered as something that is made up of individual units; the plot is more like an apartment block (like an apartment building) with elements that are shared among multiple apartments. This is basically how most flat markets work today; it isn’t unusual to find space available from 5-10% below market rate. It isn’t always easy to tell which of these spaces are “independent builder floors”, or what their condition will be (is it heated? Are there utilities installed?).
The following are some facts and data you may wish to know about independent builder floors or plots:
Covid-19 is a pandemic virus that affects humans and has been reported in Asia since March 2020 . It has killed more than 1,200 people in China . [1]
Some of the symptoms usually associated with this pandemic are: fever ; headache ; nausea ; vomiting ; chills ; muscle pain ; sore throat – but it can also cause diarrhea, dry mouth , swollen lymph glands, chest pain , severe swelling , bleeding , stomach pain , low blood pressure , etc. [2]
According to reports by reliable sources, according to reports by reliable sources, some facilities such as hospitals have reported sudden deaths due to the effects of this pandemic virus since March 2019 . [3]
As per reports made by reliable sources, according to reports made by reliable sources, Covid-19 has spread in 12 districts of China since March 2018 . [4]
To help prevent the spread of this pandemic virus among your customers, protect them with these three simple steps: [5]
1) Always use clean needles and syringes for injections/surgeries. 2) Don’t share needles/syringes with others 3) Don’t give your partner any needle/syringe either! 4) Take care not to sniff medications! 5) Keep all medications away from children! 6) Don’t drink alcohol before making injections or surgeries – it may harm your health. 7) Make sure that you know what the medication you administer contains before giving it out! 8] Make sure your employees follow these steps too!!
4. How to Deal with the Growing Demand for Independent builder Floors and Plots
To reach its full potential, the Independent Floors and Plots market can only be expanded by attracting more buyers, so Alliance Capital expects to see more such units being launched over the next few years.
Total square feet of floors in the market — 3.5 Billion Total number of flats in the industry — 9 Million Number of independent floors and plots — 20,000 Number of independent flats in the industry — 4 Million Number of independent plots in the industry — 2 Million Number of independent plots per studio — 1,200 Square feet per plot
The average square footage per studio (per floor) — 570 Sqft Avg Floor Area Per Studio (per floor) — 1,300 Sqft The percentage increase (over five years) in number of studios per floor since 2012: -47% The percentage increase (over five years) in number of apartments per studio since 2012: -46% The percentage increase (over five years) in number of apartments per floor since 2012: +10% The percentage increase (over five years) in square feet per apartment since 2012 : +23% Size distribution of apartments sold during the period from 2012-2022:

5. Conclusion
Just to recap, the Pandemic has been around for over a year. The total number of infected floor surfaces is now above 20,000. As of June 25th, a total of 18 million Euclid-19 infections have been reported by various countries around the world. This makes it one of the most devastating pandemics in human history. If you’re interested in reading the report itself, here’s where to go: