dream home builder floors

Skyrocketing Growth of Independent builder Floors and Plots in Gurugram NCR

1. Intro

The demand for independent builder floors and plots in Gurugram and Faridabad is increasing as the building of new residential units is rising up to 10% a year.

In Gurgaon, there are around 20,000 such flats ready to be launched in the next year.

According to an industry body, the cumulative sales of builders’ flats per annum were around Rs. 4,000 crore in 2021-22.

“The growth rate of this segment has been relatively high,” said president, Real Estate Development Association of India (REDAI).

2. The Main Reasons for the Skyrocketing Growth of Independent Floors and Plots in Gurugram NCR

A report released on 28th February 2020 by a leading real esate company, real esate websites buildmakaan.com has cited several reasons for the surge in demand for independent floors and plots in Gurugram and Faridabad. The report stated that a major reason for independent floors and plots becoming popular is the rising demand of private apartments or builder floor in Gurugram and Faridabad.

Real esate agents popular place in Gurgaon cyber hub in Gurgaon,cyber city Gurgaon,mg road Gurgaon,sohan road Gurgaon,dlf Gurgaon,palam vihar Gurgaon,ansal Gurgaon,sushantlok Gurgaon or old Gurgaon also.

The report mentioned that these developments are becoming increasingly popular due to the soaring number of people who want to own their own apartment.

According to the report, there has been an increase in this market over the last few years, especially since 2022 when the pandemic struck India.

The number of people who have escaped from this pandemic is also rising every year, which can only spell good things for private flats owners.

According to buildmakaan, more than 20,000 such builder floors (flats) are expected to be launched between now and 2023. However, there is a positive flip side as well: given that private flats owners aren’t burdened by having to worry about monthly payments or some other financial burden (which can easily become an added stress), they can spend more on food or travel without getting worried about it. They can also save money on rent as well as travel costs by simply being able to sell their flat after a set period of time rather than paying rent every month.

dream home build

3. Key Aspects of an Independent Builder Floor or Plot

“It’s a very complex subject to find a good solution for independent floors and plots in Gurgaon, Delhi NCR and Mumbai. We have come up with some features for you to consider.”

A builder floor can be considered as something that is made up of individual units; the plot is more like an apartment block (like an apartment building) with elements that are shared among multiple apartments. This is basically how most flat markets work today; it isn’t unusual to find space available from 5-10% below market rate. It isn’t always easy to tell which of these spaces are “independent builder floors”, or what their condition will be (is it heated? Are there utilities installed?).

The following are some facts and data you may wish to know about independent builder floors or plots:

Covid-19 is a pandemic virus that affects humans and has been reported in Asia since March 2020 . It has killed more than 1,200 people in China . [1]

Some of the symptoms usually associated with this pandemic are: fever ; headache ; nausea ; vomiting ; chills ; muscle pain ; sore throat – but it can also cause diarrhea, dry mouth , swollen lymph glands, chest pain , severe swelling , bleeding , stomach pain , low blood pressure , etc. [2]

According to reports by reliable sources, according to reports by reliable sources, some facilities such as hospitals have reported sudden deaths due to the effects of this pandemic virus since March 2019 . [3]

As per reports made by reliable sources, according to reports made by reliable sources, Covid-19 has spread in 12 districts of China since March 2018 . [4]

To help prevent the spread of this pandemic virus among your customers, protect them with these three simple steps: [5]

1) Always use clean needles and syringes for injections/surgeries. 2) Don’t share needles/syringes with others 3) Don’t give your partner any needle/syringe either! 4) Take care not to sniff medications! 5) Keep all medications away from children! 6) Don’t drink alcohol before making injections or surgeries – it may harm your health. 7) Make sure that you know what the medication you administer contains before giving it out! 8] Make sure your employees follow these steps too!!

4. How to Deal with the Growing Demand for Independent builder Floors and Plots

To reach its full potential, the Independent Floors and Plots market can only be expanded by attracting more buyers, so Alliance Capital expects to see more such units being launched over the next few years.

Total square feet of floors in the market — 3.5 Billion Total number of flats in the industry — 9 Million Number of independent floors and plots — 20,000 Number of independent flats in the industry — 4 Million Number of independent plots in the industry — 2 Million Number of independent plots per studio — 1,200 Square feet per plot

The average square footage per studio (per floor) — 570 Sqft Avg Floor Area Per Studio (per floor) — 1,300 Sqft The percentage increase (over five years) in number of studios per floor since 2012: -47% The percentage increase (over five years) in number of apartments per studio since 2012: -46% The percentage increase (over five years) in number of apartments per floor since 2012: +10% The percentage increase (over five years) in square feet per apartment since 2012 : +23% Size distribution of apartments sold during the period from 2012-2022:

dream home

5. Conclusion

Just to recap, the Pandemic has been around for over a year. The total number of infected floor surfaces is now above 20,000. As of June 25th, a total of 18 million Euclid-19 infections have been reported by various countries around the world. This makes it one of the most devastating pandemics in human history. If you’re interested in reading the report itself, here’s where to go:

tmt steel bar

How to Buy best TMT Steel or Understand primary and secondary steel – TMT rebars

We all know that steel is a very important metal in the world of building and construction. But what you might not know is what the difference is between steel TMT Per Kg and Steel TMT Per Piece? In this article, we will be going over the differences and how to buy steel TMT per kg or per piece.

TMT steel bars are equipped with U bent or straight bars. The size of the TMT steel bars is 40 feet.

Usually with civil engineers who advise contracts for the purchase of TMT bars in pieces, bundles, or barrels. Dimensions also vary depending on the construction of the building. For example, the mainboard needs a 10 mm / 12 mm rod, for distribution it can be 8 mm / 10 mm for a tree it can be 16 mm and 12 mm depending on the span. Some important points about TMT Bar Weight

The standard length of the sticks is 12 meters

According to IS 1786: 2008, the authorization of TMT bars must be complied with by the IS Directive

TMT bars produced in various diameters


TMT Bars Weight can be expressed in kilograms, quintals, or tonnes

1 Quintal = 100 kilos 1 ton = 1000 kg

Bundle Weight: Approx. 85 kg.

Tmt steel bar buildmakaan.in

How to calculate weight of a steel bar

To determine the mass of steel per square meter, the formula is D * D / 162. D is the diameter of the crossbar in meters, and the mass is calculated in kilograms.

For example, if the section weight is 8mm. Then the mass of the penis per square meter –

8 * 8/162 = 0.396kg

The weight of the TMT strip can be calculated using the following:

W = T * T * L / 162

Where W is the weight of the candle in kilograms, D is the diameter of the candle in millimeters and L is the length of the candle in meters.

Now let’s calculate the weight of a standard 8mm bar. According to the formula

w = 8 * 8 * 12/162

W = 4.74kg

With TMT tapes, this weight can vary by up to 7%.

We calculate the weight of another rod with a diameter of 25 mm and a length of 12 meters. formula same –

b = 25*25*12/162

So W = 46.29 kg

a formula can be used to calculate the weight of any TMT strap, as long as the diameter and length are specified and the steel used meets the specified standards.

Size(dia)As per ISI (Kg/mt) Actual Weight Approx (Kg/mt) Weight per   TMT Bar (Kg)Approx. piece   per Bundle
8mm0.395 (+/- 7%)0.375 – 0.3904.7418
10mm0.617 (+/- 7%)0.590 – 0.6107.40412
12mm0.888 (+/- 5%)0.85 – 0.8710.65610
16mm1.578 (+/- 5%)1.52 – 1.5618.9365
20mm2.466 (+/- 5%)2.36 – 2.4429.5923
25mm3.853 (+/- 3%)3.75 – 3.8246.2362
32mm6.313 (+/- 3%)6.1 – 6.3075.7561

What is the price of steel TMT per kg?

Steel TMT is a type of steel that doesn’t need to be annealed. Steel TMT prices vary depending on the size and quantity of the order.


Check that the steel bars you buy have national certifications such as ASTM A706, JIS G3112, BS9, ASTM A615, JIS G3109 and IS 32 (mild steel bars), IS 1786 (high-strength deformed steel bars). Etc Certification assures you of the quality as well as the credibility of the manufacturer.

Primary steel

Primary steel is obtained from a steelmaking process is known as the Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF) process. This process converts iron ore into chunks of iron that are used to make steel bars. steel bars are manufactured using the world-class technique on a  fully automatic high-speed rolling mill with horizontal and vertical supports.

In primary steel, there are uniform veins with deeper grooves made on CNC machines. Thus, giving it maximum rib area, providing a strong and stable bond to the concrete, creating a stronger structure.

With big construction and tall buildings, it is always a good idea to use base steels or steels such as Fe500D and Fe550D, while the letter “D” stands for ductility, giving steel rebar a higher percentage of elongation.

Secondary steel

Secondary steel production usually takes place in an electric arc furnace. The main raw material for the production of reinforcing steel is steel scrap. That’s why it’s called secondary steel. The secondary bars are usually rolled in a locally produced rolling mill

The ribs of the secondary steel are created using a local rib cutting process performed with hand tools. This in turn gives it an unsuitable flank area which leads to poor bonding with the concrete.

Innovations in the steelmaking process have led to improvements in the production of secondary brand steels. Primary steel is preferred for homes, but if you have good options, branded secondary steel is available. Saves money.

sail buildmakaan.in

Top 10 TMT steel bar brand

  • Tata Tiscon SD TMT Band
  • Essar steel 
  • Jindal Panther TMT Band
  • Sail Steel TMT Band
  • Kamdhenu TMT Band
  • Syam TMT bars
  • Rathi TMT bars
  • SRMB TMT steel bars
  • JSW Neo steel TMT bars
  • Electrosteel
building materiel

Top 10 Tips For Buying Building Materials And Construction Materials

There are many Building materials and supplies that you need to buy if you plan on building your home, renovating your current home, or working on any other construction projects in the future. You might not know what to look for when you go shopping, so it’s important to take the time to read up on the topic so that you know what questions to ask and what questions to avoid asking to get the best deals possible. With that in mind, here are 10 Tips For Buying Building Materials And Construction Materials

buildmakaan.in waterproofing

How to waterproof foundation inside out side

1. Introduction

If you have a basement that is not waterproofing, chances are it’s because of the wrong materials. Even if you are careful to follow all of your local codes and regulations, there will always be some mistake made somewhere. One of the problems with basements is that they often lack proper ventilation. inside out side That may seem good at first, but it actually causes a lot of health issues. https://buildmakaan.in/product-category/building-material/cement-in-gurgaon/

The home has no fresh air coming in or going out for people who don’t work in the basement and tend to become sick from breathing in carbon monoxide fumes. It also brings in moisture from outside which can lead to mold and other issues with the home’s health. Therefore, it is important to have a well-maintained basement to prevent any problems with health or safety issues over time.

There are several things that can be done to improve a basement’s quality; this include waterproofing, as well as installing an air filtration system which will help keep the moisture levels down and help reduce mold when needed. How to waterproof foundation inside out side https://buildmakaan.in/

waterproofing buildmakaan.in

2. Types of Basement Waterproofing

How did you get started with basement waterproofing? When it comes to basement waterproofing, there are many different types that can be used to create a safe, secure and cost-effective solution for your home. The first thing that homeowners need to do is decide on the type of waterproofing material they will use. Below is a list of some of the most common brands of basement waterproofing materials:

1. Fillin Structural Basement Waterproofing Based on Sheet Metal2. Fill-in Structural Basement Waterproofing Based on Brick or Stone3. Fill-in Structural Basement Waterproofing Based on Drainage/Groundwater Protection Systems4. Roof and Ladder Underlayment Waterproofing Based on Roof, Roof Tile, Masonry or Concrete Underlayment5. Fire Retardant/Sealant Material Used to Prevent Fire from Attending The Structure

3. Before You Begin Waterproofing

Waterproofing your basement is a good idea, but not without careful planning and preparation. Before you begin, you should decide if you want to waterproof the basement or not. You need to decide whether you want to spend money to get the job done or do it yourself at a fraction of the cost. If you decide against waterproofing, you can go in and do it yourself. If you do choose to waterproof your basement, here are some questions that https://buildmakaan.in/product-category/building-material/cement-in-gurgaon/

need answering:1) Is there a leak?2) What is the thickness of the outer layer?3) Are there any cracks in the ceiling?4) How thick does the insulation be? (Insulation is installed on one side of walls and then sealed up with a piece of plastic.)5) Do you have electric in some areas? (You will need to plug in your electric outlets if they are exposed underneath.)

buildmakaan.in basement

4. Do Your Research

It’s not easy to find the right information when it comes to basement waterproofing. In fact, there are many different websites dedicated to the topic. And it’s not just a matter of finding the one that says it will do the job perfectly. It’s now a matter of how many times you can get your money’s worth out of the information you do get.

For example, if you want to properly waterproof a basement floor, you need to find out what type of basement waterproofing is best for your specific needs. But before doing that, you need to know what kind of basements you have. Although basements vary in size from one room to another, the most important thing is that they should be water-tight enough for people who use them regularly and those who are involved in cleaning them regularly. The same goes for any other home improvement project:

if there isn’t enough research available on what works and what doesn’t work for your particular situation, then you won’t be able to make good decisions about your next project. Before getting started with any basement waterproofing project, make sure that this step is done correctly and thoroughly by using proper methods and materials. If done incorrectly or poorly, then it can lead to major problems with materials and even serious injuries if something goes wrong during the process. https://buildmakaan.com/

5. Put Up Walls, Install a Drainage System for Your Basement

When it comes to waterproofing, it’s all about the drainage system. If you don’t do this first, the basement will become an ever-growing swamp. This will eventually cause your foundation to fail and lead to mold growth. Porch Waterproofing is a solid investment if you choose the right products for your needs. It will last for decades without having to be replaced every 5 years. In regards to basement waterproofing,

it’s also important how you go about doing it. If you can’t go through with installing a drainage system in your basement before adding walls and installing a ceiling, then there are no good reasons why you should be working on trying to add a drainage system in your basement at all.

The reason why this is important is because there are many things that can happen when adding walls to your home. Some of these things may not even be visible right away but they can still have an effect on how effective the drainage system is going to be in the long term. If there isn’t a drainage system installed, then mold could grow anywhere throughout the home and create a bad situation for everyone in your family who lives there.

buidmakaan.in waterproofing

6. Conclusion

There are many ways to do basement waterproofing. First of all, you have to determine if the problem is with a leaking roof or wall. If it’s the roof and the wall is leaking, you can do a top-roof waterproofing job. Roof waterproofing is simpler than wall waterproofing but more costly as well.The next thing you want to do is to determine the cause of the problem because there are different types of problems that can be caused by a leaky roof or wall such as water or ice intrusion and clogged drains.

2.You also need to keep in mind that if it’s already been raining heavily then chances are high that there will be snow piled up on your roof and in your crawl space. While these snow piles may not be enough to stop water from entering your garden, they will help block them so that they will not leak into your house when it rains heavily again.

When it comes to winterizing your home in preparation for winter, you need to make sure that all major plumbing lines are properly blocked up with caulking before any water enters them to prevent any possibility of freezing pipes from entering the house during winter storms and causing damage inside your house from freezing pipes and damaging appliances.

IN order for a basement waterproofing job to work properly, however, you also need to be aware of some precautions you should take when doing this type of work so as not to run into trouble later on when it’s time for repairs. buildmakaaan For example, don’t forget about all exterior doors and windows during this process because moisture will continue flowing inside your home even at low temperatures when water drips through exterior doors and windows during a rainy season especially if they are opened slightly due either rain or snow accumulation on them due how cold air is moving around inside the house.

It may seem like an unnecessary precaution but remember that the basement is located below ground level so moisture can still easily get into the home even though exterior doors and windows are open no matter how dry things get outside because outside air pressure will still force moisture out into the indoor environment where people live. Another thing before starting any kind of basement waterproofing project is making sure thttps://buildmakaan.in/product-category/building-material/cement-in-gurgaon/hat all electrical outlets have been properly blocked off by putting insulation over them with duct tape just

in case something were ever damaged due to accidental lightning strikes or other causes outside our control such as natural disasters or windstorms going through specific areas of our homes so as not affect electric appliances including refrigerators

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