
Open Kitchen Design vs Closed– Which one to choose?

Open Kitchen Design vs Closed– Which one to choose?

A kitchen is an important portion of the house and carefully designing one, will help you create a space full of warmth and togetherness. And if you or a family member would be spending more time in the kitchen, it would be essential to make this place as spacious and comfortable as possible. The decision of going for an Open Kitchen Design or a Closed Kitchen mostly depends on individual likes and dislikes.

Let’s find out what each of these designs has to offer:

Open Kitchen Design

  • An Open Kitchen does not have walls on more than one or two sides and therefore is naturally bright and has good ventilation.
  • An Open Kitchen does not heat up as much as a Closed Kitchen due to better ventilation.
  • An Open Kitchen is usually adjacent to the living room and ensures that you don’t miss out on your favourite TV shows or activity that is going on in adjacent rooms.
  • Cooking becomes a less boring activity as you get to interact with others as well, while doing your daily chores.
  • An Open Kitchen makes the house look spacious and adds more value especially if you are planning to build a modestly sized home.

While all the openness is well and good, it comes with its share of pitfalls –

  • Privacy is lost as guests entering the house get a view of the kitchen as well. Keeping it spic and span might not be possible at all times. And just in case you are in your night suit too, it might catch you offhand!
  • Easy access to the kitchen for young children is not safe as they might cause damage or hurt themselves. With the Open Kitchen having “no doors”, it is difficult to keep children away from this portion of the house.
  • Noise from appliances like grinder and dishwasher may appear slightly awkward with guests around or disturb others watching the TV or listening to music.

Closed Kitchen Design

  • A Closed Kitchen is usually tucked in a corner of the house and is just like any other room with walls on all four sides and a door.
  • If you are one of those who loves privacy and consider your kitchen, a sanctuary, then a Closed Kitchen is definitely for you.
  • With a Closed Kitchen, you can easily confine the sounds within the kitchen itself, by closing the kitchen door.
  • A Closed Kitchen gives you an added advantage of allowing you to keep the clean-up activity for later.
  • A Closed Kitchen is especially safe for families with young children, as you can easily keep the kitchen door locked to avoid them causing any damage or hurting themselves.

A Closed Kitchen gives you privacy but comes with some drawbacks as well –

  • A Closed Kitchen comparatively has less brightness and ventilation as compared to an Open Kitchen.
  • A Closed Kitchen cuts you off from the rest of the house and the activities going on in the adjacent rooms
  • A Closed Kitchen can get quite claustrophobic especially if you have more people in the kitchen at the same time.
  • A Closed Kitchen can heat up quite a bit, causing discomfort especially during summer season.

Creating your kitchen space, just like your home, is all about you and your preferences. Choose what would suit you and your family members, as well as help add value to your home. While each design has its advantages and disadvantages, you could have a home thriving in happiness and togetherness if you spend some time planning ahead to make every part of the house, a special place. Get the kitchen layout that’s right for you with buildmakaan expert advice.

about constustion loan

All You Need to Know About Construction Loan

Everybody wishes to have their very own home, where you can share the delights and distresses of existence with your loved ones. Not every person will have the reserve funds to fabricate a house while other people don’t wish to exhaust their investment funds. For such individuals, there is an arrangement to involve advances which you can take care of in little divides throughout some period.

You can utilize various types of credits to assemble your dream home. Of late, development credits have acquired ubiquity in general society.

Taking any sort of advance has its gamble. The following are given a couple of significant focuses that you want to be aware of development advances home construction loan.

Construction Loan

What is a development advance construction loan ? The most compelling thing about it is that it just goes on for the period it takes to develop a house. You might have applied for a development advance of a specific sum. In any case, not at all like typical safe build mortgages, the sum will be dispensed to you in portions.or try to construction to permeant loan sift.

Eligibility ( Qualification ) Criteria

When you apply for a development credit, the monetary organization will do a careful historical verification on you. They will take a look at your monetary history and check whether you are qualified to take care of the advance, in light of your FICO assessment. They will likewise check the credit application for genuineness, the dependability and congruity of your pay, the number of individuals that monetarily rely upon you, and so on. Really at that time will you get your credit endorsed.

Documents Required

A lot of archives should be submitted to the money organization before your development advance gets endorsed. It will fluctuate in various monetary organizations. It will likewise rely on whether you are a salaried individual, business person, independently employed, and so on. For the most part, you will be approached to present a personal ID verification, PAN card, home confirmation, bank proclamations, and pay authentication (if relevant).

Assessment of Cost of Construction

After endorsement of your development credit, the loan specialist doesn’t have to give the sum you mentioned. So it is viewed as a decent practice to have a gauge of the expense of development prepared with you. This will build your possibility of getting the sum you mentioned.

A Contractor to Oversee

We as a whole have our specific thoughts about building a home. We could likewise wish to have a one-on-one association with regards to its development. Even though it seems like a smart thought on a superficial level, you could confront challenges as the undertaking advances like the inaccessibility of laborers, issues with adjusting to the structure guidelines of your state, and so forth.

Specialists encourage you to utilize a carefully prepared worker for hire to administer the development. Take care that the individual is dependable and solid. In any case, you ought to be very familiar with the advancement of development.

Repayment Rules

How you take care of your development advance additionally varies from how you take care of a typical mortgage. The cash is given to you in portions and you want to pay revenue for every one of them during development. Remember that this interest won’t go into reimbursing the chief sum. The chief sum should be taken care of independently when the development is finished.

A Double-Edged Sword

The greatest benefit of getting a development credit is that you want to pay just interest during the development. The fundamental sum should be taken care of once you claim your home. The opposite side of this coin is that there is no assurance that the development will be done in the assessed time. This can prompt an expansion in cost, which your credit may not be obliging.

Income Tax Benefit

You can likewise profit from Income Tax benefits for a development advance, the interesting part of the regularly scheduled payments can be guaranteed as a derivation.

Like some other credit, a development advance has its advantages and disadvantages. Before you choose to apply for it, it is fitting to improve still, find a specialist to direct you through the cycle.

A construction project budget is incredibly important because it can help to save time and money throughout the duration of the project.

Know How to Estimate Your House Construction Cost?


We as a whole fantasy about having the ideal home. Among the initial steps for building your fantasy home is assessing the spending plan. Building a house might be the main thing that a considerable lot of us will do in the course of our life. However, we have different commitments and obligations in life too. Keeping our spending inside the constraints of the assessed financial plan will permit us to work in harmony with next to no issues or causing any obligations.

This is the way assessing a spending plan will help you:

1. Understand Your Limits

A spending plan provides you with an unmistakable image of how much consumption should be possible. In light of this, you can begin anticipating the sort of house that you can assemble. Without ascertaining surmised development costs, material expenses, work expenses and getting done or inside costs, you will resemble a boat heading for an obscure objective!

2. Get Professional Help

An expert designer will assist you with planning a house to suit your requirements and remember highlights that you would like for your fantasy home. In light of your spending plan, you could enlist a modeler whose administrations would be inside your monetary reach. The designer will likewise provide you with a surmised cost assessment of the undertaking.

3. Select Design and Construction Materials

Having a spending plan set up, assists you with showing up at a plan that will suit your necessities as well as be inside your monetary reach. This likewise makes it more straightforward to choose materials for development like the sort of blocks, concrete and steel being utilized.

4. Know If You Need Additional Funds

Assessing a spending plan assists you with knowing whether you have an adequate number of assets for building your home, and whether you want to apply for a home credit. For moving toward any monetary organization for a credit, the spending plan assessment record is additionally to be submitted for endorsement of the advance.

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5. Type of Project

In light of your financial plan, you can conclude whether you might want to go for a turnkey task or work contract. Turnkey project is the one wherein the worker for hire is liable for giving the materials as well as work. In a work contract, you would source the development materials according to the necessity and pay just the work charges to the project worker.

6. Shield Against Price Fluctuations

While you gauge the spending plan, assuming you consider the cost vacillations that could happen during development, there is compelling reason need to expect that you will reach a financial dead end sincerely busy structure your fantasy home.

7. Avoid Overspending

A spending plan above all assists you with abstaining from overspending. Knowing the sum that you ought to spend, to be inside the drawn certain lines, guarantees that you overspend on no one specific viewpoint and need to think twice about different pieces of the development, such as utilizing low quality material or outfitting things. Without earlier preparation or assessment, you could well wind up spending beyond what you can bear in the underlying stages and face troubles finishing the venture.

8. Plan for extra highlights

When you have a spending plan set up, consolidating extra elements to the house is simple. For instance, in the event that your spending plan permits, you can decide to assemble an eco-accommodating house with better protection materials, sunlight powered chargers, water reaping office and so forth

9. Avoid deficiency of assets

For the majority of us, developing a house could be a first time issue. Having a financial plan assists us with controlling expenses and keep away from a circumstance where the development could need to be halted or deferred because of lack of assets.

Remembering all of the above angles, it really should place in some preparation prior to branching out to assemble your fantasy home. With a definitive goal being to assemble a haven that will give you harmony, joy and bunches of good recollections, why not let the most common way of building be a serene one too!

Carpet area, built-up area, super built-up area: Area-wise inclusion list

Super Built-up Area vs. Carpet Area – All that You Need to Know

Super Built-Up Area

What is Super Built-up Area?

Super Built-up Area is the sum of built-up area and common areas proportioned to a unit. The built-up area is the carpet area plus the thickness of the walls. The common area is the area in a building that is available for common use, like lobbies, staircases, and elevators.

However, what you should know and keep in mind is, the builder charges you on the super built-up area and that is also the reason why it is called, ‘Saleable Area’.

How to calculate the area of Super Built-up Space?

Let us consider that you have a built-up area of 2000 sq. ft. and a common area of 1000 sq. ft. So, all you have to do is add the built-up area and carpet area, which will give you the area of the Super Built-up space. In this case it would be; 2000 + 1000 = 3000 sq. ft.

Let us assume that the rate per sq. ft. is 1000 INR and you have 3000 sq. ft. of land. Then, in this case, you will have to multiply your total built-up area by the rate per sq. ft.

In this case, it would be, 1000 * 3000 = 3000000 INR.

So, you should be aware of which part the builder is including under the common area to avoid the chances of spending more money.

What is cover in the very super built up area?

Developed region of the level


Air channels

Pipe/shaft channels


Flights of stairs



Exercise center

Some other normal offices

Note: The extra region will be added to the floor covering the region in view of the stacking factor utilized by the developer.

Carpet Area

What is Carpet Area?

As the name suggests, Carpet Area is the area of the property where you can lay your carpet. It also means the area of the apartment minus the inner thickness of the wall. However, it doesn’t include a common area like a lift, lobby, and staircase, play area, etc. So, it is the actual area you can get for using as a housing unit.

Why you should focus on Carpet Area?

The Carpet Area will give you the actual idea of the space you can have inside the apartment. If you focus on the Carpet Area, you will be able to understand the usable areas, like the bedroom, kitchen, etc. However, be aware while talking to the builder, as a lot of builders don’t even mention the Carpet Area and charge based on Super Built-up Area or Built-up Area.

How to calculate the total Carpet Area?

The carpet area is usually 70% of the Built-up Area. So, whatever the Built-up Area is, you just have to take out 70% of it.

For better understanding, let us do another math. Assume that your Built-up Area is 1500 sq. ft., so your Carpet Area should be 70% off 1500 sq. ft., which is in this case 1050 sq. ft.

Are you planning to build your home? Want to get more advice on home construction? Get in touch with our experts

Carpet area, built-up area, super built-up area: Area-wise inclusion list

AreaCarpet areaBuilt up areaSuper built up area
Living roomYesYesYes
Study roomYesYesYes
Guest roomYesYesYes
Kid’s roomYesYesYes
Dining roomYesYesYes
External staircaseNoYesYes
Internal staircaseYesYesYes
Pooja roomYesYesYes
7 step buildmakaan

7 Easy Steps to Build Your Dream Home changed life


Remembering to fabricate your fantasy home? Don’t simply fabricate a house with blocks and mortar, construct a home with adoration and dreams. Don’t we as a whole fancy to abide in a house that is agreeable, open and all around planned?. Building your house is an excursion of finding yourself, your inclinations and building a position of solace. Notwithstanding, the inquiry are the means that we really want to continue to achieve it? Fortunately, as far as you might be concerned, we have assembled a rundown of a few useful exhortation and simple tips to assist you with doing exactly that.

1. Lay out a spending plan

At the point when you leave on a costly undertaking like structure your fantasy home, consistently lay out a financial plan first. With no reasonable thought of the amount you will spend, there is a high chance that you could surpass your credit. On the off chance that you feel that you need more investment funds, look into substitute means to back your development.

2. Make a house plan

The following stage is to change over your thoughts and dreams into a diagram. Numerous sites give data on the best way to approach this without anyone else. You can likewise employ an expert designer or structural architect to draw up an arrangement for you. It is smart to get a gauge development cost of the proposed arrangement.

3. Discover some land

You can not form a home in the event that you don’t have a land to assemble it on. The primary inquiry that you should pose to yourself is the place where would you like to reside? Whenever you have settled on the area, check out the territory and observe a plot of land however you would prefer that is affordable for you. Likewise, consider the sort of enhancements that should be made for things like carports, strolls and utilities. Assess the neighborhood regard to how helpful it is for you to arrive at your work environment and for your children to arrive at their schools. Additionally, check whether there are any shops close by.

4. Acquaint with Building Regulations

Various regions have different structure guidelines and codes. The structure guidelines are least norms set up by the State Government for plan, development or remodels to the structure. Find out about the structure guidelines specific to the territory where you have purchased land and meet them while building your fantasy home.

5. Buy building materials

To fabricate a solid and secure home, you genuinely should have the right materials to assemble it. You can buy the structure materials yourself or then again assuming you have recruited a project worker to supervise the development, he can do it for you. Attempt to purchase your materials in mass as that can significantly save your development cost. To save you from the everyday issues while obtaining the structure materials, you can visit our material store or straightforwardly reach us.

6. Begin the Construction

In the wake of finishing the previously mentioned advances, your house is fit to be assembled. At this point, you would have picked your worker for hire who will manage the work. This stage starts with the development of a solid groundwork. At the point when the outside of your house is done, you can enlist an inside fashioner to do the insides.

7. Move into your fantasy home

You have tried sincerely and gone through months in building your home, so appreciate it without limit. Find how this spot gives worth and shape to your life and allows you to turn into the individual you need to be.

Since it has become so undeniably obvious what all should be done, you can share your considerations beneath and ask any questions connected with home structure. Our specialists will ensure that your home structure venture turns out to be totally bother free.

pure tmt bar tata

Why Steel Price Increase 2022: A Simple Definition

Steel costs bounce up to Rs 5,000 for each ton as supply chains hit amid the Russia-Ukraine struggle. Steel cost increments by Rs 5000 for each ton, realize which organizations liable to be impacted.While expanding pressure among Russia and Ukraine, steel costs are taking off. interprets which areas will be generally impacted.

Indian steel organizations have expanded the costs by Rs 5000 for each ton to conform to the worldwide market. Considering that Russia is the fourth biggest maker of steel and has a 12 percent to 12.5 percent commitment in the worldwide market.

Europe is confronting a lack of steel, and India is likewise encountering expanded interest for steel; homegrown costs have expanded too, he added. The creation of steel is getting costly in light of the fact that the normal augmentation in the costs of coking coal is around 20%. Since India is subject to trade for coking coal to a measure of 25 – 85 percent.

The positive effect will be on the steel organizations, including Tata Steel, Hindalco, SAIL, JSW Steel Ltd.

Steel Price Per Kg Today

Coming up next are TMT Steel Price Per Kg Today,

Steel Price Today  (primary steel)

Steel Price Today  (primary steel)
Brands8 mm10 mm12 mm16 mm20 mm25 mm
Tata Tiscon445682966171826864186
JSW Steel444680960171026804187
Rathi 7 star443682942169726494103

Steel Price Today ( secondary steel)

Steel Price Today ( secondary steel)
Brands8 mm10 mm12 mm16 mm20 mm25 mm
A1 Gold85.684.582.783.583.583.7

India’s Jindal Steel and Power Ltd (JSPL) expects request made by slices to supply from Russia and Ukraine to help its products to up to 40% of deals from 25% as of now as it hopes to exploit record-high steel costs. We used to send out around 25%, in 2-3 months we will trade around 35-40% with the goal that we can take a portion of more exorbitant costs.

JSPL was India’s fifth-biggest unrefined steel maker in 2021 and contends.

The public authority’s pushed on the framework, combined with an expansion popular from the development, designing, and different areas are relied upon to push up homegrown steel utilization in 2022, as indicated by financiers and rating offices.

The country’s utilization is relied upon to leap to 111 million tons (mt) in the scheduled the year 2022 (CY22) after a seriously affected CY20, which saw steel utilization tumbling to 89.3 mt, CARE Ratings said in a new report.

India’s steel utilization numbers for CY21 could be around 104 mt, which would mean a 17 percent expansion from a year ago. Between April-November 2021, the utilization was 66 mt, up from 55 mt in the comparing time of 2020.

The US as of late declared a $1-trillion framework spending, which could considerably help the nation’s steel utilization, along these lines keeping steel costs firm in the US market, financiers said.

Then again, China, the world’s biggest buyer and maker of steel, because of proceeded with creation controls to shorten fossil fuel byproducts, has tightened trades, thusly keeping world product costs at raised levels, they said.

Aside from the creation and utilization condition of the steel, inventory network execution and calculated courses of action are relied upon to assume a vital part in 2022 amid the continuous pandemic, industry authorities brought up.

Between monetary years (FY) 22-25, a complete rough steel limit of around 25 mt is probably going to be added to the homegrown market. 7-8 mt would come in during FY22, while the leftover would take another 2-3 years to get charged. Because of this, however homegrown utilization is probably going to be more grounded for 2022, contrasted with earlier years, costs might remain somewhat muffled, businesses said.

In December, the homegrown hot-rolled-curl cost in dealers’ market slipped further (1% week-on-week) to Rs 65,590 for each ton, chiefly because of stifled homegrown interest, especially for level items, and Edelweiss report said.

Will steel prices go up in 2022?

Homegrown steel costs will relax by 10-15 percent in 2022 because of expanded creation thus facilitating supply requirements, the S&P Global Platts Analytics report said today. Homegrown hot-moved curl costs are relied upon to average at Rs 53,550-56,700 for every ton ($705-745 for each ton) in schedule 2022.

What will steel prices do in 2022?

The MEPS World level items composite exchange esteem is estimated to average around US$1220 per ton in 2022 – an ascent of just about 60% over the 2010/2019 figure. Costs are relied upon to track down help above authentic midpoints, because of expanded factory input use and moves to decarbonize the business.

Why is the price of steel increasing?

We are now seeing steel costs going up worldwide. Principally it is because of cost-push, and hence we could see some cost climbs in the current quarter,” he said. Rao said that the interest is solid in India.

How is the steel industry doing 2022?

Steel imports in the US are relied upon to rise enough in 2022 to keep tension on homegrown costs that arrived at record levels in 2021, however, these shipments won’t really address an import flood, as per industry investigators.

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dream home builder floors

How to construct a house with low cost in India

The structure or redesigning a house is a costly recommendation as each easily overlooked detail adds up, regardless of whether it’s the material or work costs. It pays to have a reasonable thought of what you need to accomplish with the goal that your financial plan isn’t squandered on re-trying components. Reusing old material or deciding on D-I-Y highlights is one more method for keeping the expenses as low as could really be expected.

10 tips in this blog to assist you with building your home low cost in India.

  1. Brick work furniture
  2. Concrete ground surface
  3. Dividers with concrete
  4.  Beds for dividers
  5. Uncovered block finish
  6. Reused wood
  7. Substantial squares
  8. Noticeable lines and installations
  9. Reuse and old items
  10. Use AAC Blocks

1. Brick work furniture

Regardless of whether you need to assemble a bar counter inside or fixed seating outside, workmanship furniture that utilizes blocks, stone, or concrete as a base isn’t just prudent yet in addition tough. It’s particularly really smart for the outside where the furniture is presented to normal components. use bricks ppc cement like ambuja, ultartech, jk, shree etc.

2. Concrete ground surface

Rather than stone or fired tiles, consider utilizing concrete deck to minimize expenses. It’s not difficult to keep up with and is an ideal choice for a natural home. Other than being not difficult to introduce, a substantial floor can likewise be enlivened with mosaic tile borders or a layer of paint to light up the home.

3. Dividers with concrete

Cement can likewise be utilized on dividers to give a room an advanced modern look. It’s a reasonable choice contrasted with earthenware tiles and is without upkeep as well. try to best cement in home because top cement give you high coverage area .you will choice ambuja cement. ultartech cement, jk cement ,or shree cement etc.

4. Beds for dividers

As of late, wooden beds have acquired ubiquity as an eco-accommodating option in contrast to customary wood cladding on dividers. Other than being practical for a low-spending plan house, they accompany the upside of matching work of art and contemporary homes the same.

5. Uncovered block finish

As well as adding warmth to the home’s atmosphere, uncovered block gets rid of the expense of putting and painting the dividers. This is likewise a choice while remodeling as you can eliminate the mortar and paint to give your home a natural vibe utilizing the open-block treatment on the dividers.

dream home buildmakaan.in

6. Reused wood

Wood is an optimal material to use for building rooftops over the porch or as deck flooring in the outside on the grounds that it adds to the normal style of the plan. Rather than utilizing new wood, you can reuse old boards and shafts to bring down costs. Since it’s a simple material to work with, assuming you have what it takes for it, you might select D-I-Y projects with wood to limit costs.

7. Substantial squares

You can assemble your home Lego-style, utilizing readymade substantial squares. They are a minimal expense elective and are home easy to build with.

8. Noticeable lines and installations

Uncovered lines and apparatuses are a typical element of the cutting edge modern house plan. Notwithstanding, they are utilitarian too as it’s not difficult to recognize and fix holes or line explodes. Also, you save money on the costs associated with putting to cover them.

9. Reuse and old items

Regardless of whether it’s your furnishings, decorations, or stylistic theme embellishments, you can make a critical saving by reusing. Convert beds or old wood into a couch casing or end table. Hit carport deals or secondhand store to observe adornments that go with the style of your home.

Follow these tips to fabricate a beguiling home on a careful spending plan. See this manual for a few wonderful homes that were constructed modest.

10. Use AAC Blocks

By picking eco-accommodating development materials for building your fantasy home, you are not simply doing your piece to ration the climate yet additionally saving money on your general development costs. Among the inventive development materials utilized across the world, autoclaved circulated air through substantial squares (AAC squares or blocks) are viewed as better than other traditional materials like consumed mud blocks that cause ecological perils. The advantages of AAC blocks as a reasonable and practical option in contrast to conventional structure materials are as a rule generally perceived in India. In this article, we clarify AAC blocks and their benefits and detriments in house development.

Some more home financial plan tips

For quite a long time bamboo has been utilized for executing low-financial plan house designs, and even today, it is generally liked by a lot of people. It is very normal to observe inside originators involving bamboo for the roof and railing as it is powerful, sturdy, and simple to work with. Other than the roof, it can likewise be utilized as a ground surface or roofing material. Above all, not at all like other structure materials, bamboo represents no risk to wellbeing.

For minimal expense house plans with gauges inside a little financial plan, experts regularly think about overlay as an incredible decision with regards to deck. Other than being cheap, it is not difficult to keep up with and can act better than stone when a virus feeling isn’t favored underneath. What’s more, overlay is impervious to stains and scratches; be that as it may, the creases between the boards are inclined to water harm. Most importantly, its fine surface adds the necessary measure of warmth and improves the magnificence of homes that have a provincial setting

dream home builder floors

Skyrocketing Growth of Independent builder Floors and Plots in Gurugram NCR

1. Intro

The demand for independent builder floors and plots in Gurugram and Faridabad is increasing as the building of new residential units is rising up to 10% a year.

In Gurgaon, there are around 20,000 such flats ready to be launched in the next year.

According to an industry body, the cumulative sales of builders’ flats per annum were around Rs. 4,000 crore in 2021-22.

“The growth rate of this segment has been relatively high,” said president, Real Estate Development Association of India (REDAI).

2. The Main Reasons for the Skyrocketing Growth of Independent Floors and Plots in Gurugram NCR

A report released on 28th February 2020 by a leading real esate company, real esate websites buildmakaan.com has cited several reasons for the surge in demand for independent floors and plots in Gurugram and Faridabad. The report stated that a major reason for independent floors and plots becoming popular is the rising demand of private apartments or builder floor in Gurugram and Faridabad.

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The report mentioned that these developments are becoming increasingly popular due to the soaring number of people who want to own their own apartment.

According to the report, there has been an increase in this market over the last few years, especially since 2022 when the pandemic struck India.

The number of people who have escaped from this pandemic is also rising every year, which can only spell good things for private flats owners.

According to buildmakaan, more than 20,000 such builder floors (flats) are expected to be launched between now and 2023. However, there is a positive flip side as well: given that private flats owners aren’t burdened by having to worry about monthly payments or some other financial burden (which can easily become an added stress), they can spend more on food or travel without getting worried about it. They can also save money on rent as well as travel costs by simply being able to sell their flat after a set period of time rather than paying rent every month.

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3. Key Aspects of an Independent Builder Floor or Plot

“It’s a very complex subject to find a good solution for independent floors and plots in Gurgaon, Delhi NCR and Mumbai. We have come up with some features for you to consider.”

A builder floor can be considered as something that is made up of individual units; the plot is more like an apartment block (like an apartment building) with elements that are shared among multiple apartments. This is basically how most flat markets work today; it isn’t unusual to find space available from 5-10% below market rate. It isn’t always easy to tell which of these spaces are “independent builder floors”, or what their condition will be (is it heated? Are there utilities installed?).

The following are some facts and data you may wish to know about independent builder floors or plots:

Covid-19 is a pandemic virus that affects humans and has been reported in Asia since March 2020 . It has killed more than 1,200 people in China . [1]

Some of the symptoms usually associated with this pandemic are: fever ; headache ; nausea ; vomiting ; chills ; muscle pain ; sore throat – but it can also cause diarrhea, dry mouth , swollen lymph glands, chest pain , severe swelling , bleeding , stomach pain , low blood pressure , etc. [2]

According to reports by reliable sources, according to reports by reliable sources, some facilities such as hospitals have reported sudden deaths due to the effects of this pandemic virus since March 2019 . [3]

As per reports made by reliable sources, according to reports made by reliable sources, Covid-19 has spread in 12 districts of China since March 2018 . [4]

To help prevent the spread of this pandemic virus among your customers, protect them with these three simple steps: [5]

1) Always use clean needles and syringes for injections/surgeries. 2) Don’t share needles/syringes with others 3) Don’t give your partner any needle/syringe either! 4) Take care not to sniff medications! 5) Keep all medications away from children! 6) Don’t drink alcohol before making injections or surgeries – it may harm your health. 7) Make sure that you know what the medication you administer contains before giving it out! 8] Make sure your employees follow these steps too!!

4. How to Deal with the Growing Demand for Independent builder Floors and Plots

To reach its full potential, the Independent Floors and Plots market can only be expanded by attracting more buyers, so Alliance Capital expects to see more such units being launched over the next few years.

Total square feet of floors in the market — 3.5 Billion Total number of flats in the industry — 9 Million Number of independent floors and plots — 20,000 Number of independent flats in the industry — 4 Million Number of independent plots in the industry — 2 Million Number of independent plots per studio — 1,200 Square feet per plot

The average square footage per studio (per floor) — 570 Sqft Avg Floor Area Per Studio (per floor) — 1,300 Sqft The percentage increase (over five years) in number of studios per floor since 2012: -47% The percentage increase (over five years) in number of apartments per studio since 2012: -46% The percentage increase (over five years) in number of apartments per floor since 2012: +10% The percentage increase (over five years) in square feet per apartment since 2012 : +23% Size distribution of apartments sold during the period from 2012-2022:

dream home

5. Conclusion

Just to recap, the Pandemic has been around for over a year. The total number of infected floor surfaces is now above 20,000. As of June 25th, a total of 18 million Euclid-19 infections have been reported by various countries around the world. This makes it one of the most devastating pandemics in human history. If you’re interested in reading the report itself, here’s where to go:

tmt steel bar

How to Buy best TMT Steel or Understand primary and secondary steel – TMT rebars

We all know that steel is a very important metal in the world of building and construction. But what you might not know is what the difference is between steel TMT Per Kg and Steel TMT Per Piece? In this article, we will be going over the differences and how to buy steel TMT per kg or per piece.

TMT steel bars are equipped with U bent or straight bars. The size of the TMT steel bars is 40 feet.

Usually with civil engineers who advise contracts for the purchase of TMT bars in pieces, bundles, or barrels. Dimensions also vary depending on the construction of the building. For example, the mainboard needs a 10 mm / 12 mm rod, for distribution it can be 8 mm / 10 mm for a tree it can be 16 mm and 12 mm depending on the span. Some important points about TMT Bar Weight

The standard length of the sticks is 12 meters

According to IS 1786: 2008, the authorization of TMT bars must be complied with by the IS Directive

TMT bars produced in various diameters


TMT Bars Weight can be expressed in kilograms, quintals, or tonnes

1 Quintal = 100 kilos 1 ton = 1000 kg

Bundle Weight: Approx. 85 kg.

Tmt steel bar buildmakaan.in

How to calculate weight of a steel bar

To determine the mass of steel per square meter, the formula is D * D / 162. D is the diameter of the crossbar in meters, and the mass is calculated in kilograms.

For example, if the section weight is 8mm. Then the mass of the penis per square meter –

8 * 8/162 = 0.396kg

The weight of the TMT strip can be calculated using the following:

W = T * T * L / 162

Where W is the weight of the candle in kilograms, D is the diameter of the candle in millimeters and L is the length of the candle in meters.

Now let’s calculate the weight of a standard 8mm bar. According to the formula

w = 8 * 8 * 12/162

W = 4.74kg

With TMT tapes, this weight can vary by up to 7%.

We calculate the weight of another rod with a diameter of 25 mm and a length of 12 meters. formula same –

b = 25*25*12/162

So W = 46.29 kg

a formula can be used to calculate the weight of any TMT strap, as long as the diameter and length are specified and the steel used meets the specified standards.

Size(dia)As per ISI (Kg/mt) Actual Weight Approx (Kg/mt) Weight per   TMT Bar (Kg)Approx. piece   per Bundle
8mm0.395 (+/- 7%)0.375 – 0.3904.7418
10mm0.617 (+/- 7%)0.590 – 0.6107.40412
12mm0.888 (+/- 5%)0.85 – 0.8710.65610
16mm1.578 (+/- 5%)1.52 – 1.5618.9365
20mm2.466 (+/- 5%)2.36 – 2.4429.5923
25mm3.853 (+/- 3%)3.75 – 3.8246.2362
32mm6.313 (+/- 3%)6.1 – 6.3075.7561

What is the price of steel TMT per kg?

Steel TMT is a type of steel that doesn’t need to be annealed. Steel TMT prices vary depending on the size and quantity of the order.


Check that the steel bars you buy have national certifications such as ASTM A706, JIS G3112, BS9, ASTM A615, JIS G3109 and IS 32 (mild steel bars), IS 1786 (high-strength deformed steel bars). Etc Certification assures you of the quality as well as the credibility of the manufacturer.

Primary steel

Primary steel is obtained from a steelmaking process is known as the Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF) process. This process converts iron ore into chunks of iron that are used to make steel bars. steel bars are manufactured using the world-class technique on a  fully automatic high-speed rolling mill with horizontal and vertical supports.

In primary steel, there are uniform veins with deeper grooves made on CNC machines. Thus, giving it maximum rib area, providing a strong and stable bond to the concrete, creating a stronger structure.

With big construction and tall buildings, it is always a good idea to use base steels or steels such as Fe500D and Fe550D, while the letter “D” stands for ductility, giving steel rebar a higher percentage of elongation.

Secondary steel

Secondary steel production usually takes place in an electric arc furnace. The main raw material for the production of reinforcing steel is steel scrap. That’s why it’s called secondary steel. The secondary bars are usually rolled in a locally produced rolling mill

The ribs of the secondary steel are created using a local rib cutting process performed with hand tools. This in turn gives it an unsuitable flank area which leads to poor bonding with the concrete.

Innovations in the steelmaking process have led to improvements in the production of secondary brand steels. Primary steel is preferred for homes, but if you have good options, branded secondary steel is available. Saves money.

sail buildmakaan.in

Top 10 TMT steel bar brand

  • Tata Tiscon SD TMT Band
  • Essar steel 
  • Jindal Panther TMT Band
  • Sail Steel TMT Band
  • Kamdhenu TMT Band
  • Syam TMT bars
  • Rathi TMT bars
  • SRMB TMT steel bars
  • JSW Neo steel TMT bars
  • Electrosteel
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